2015-01-19 12:07在GMAT阅读中,除关注全文和每段话的中心句外,大部分中间内容都是可以跳过或扫读的,但对于三种细节信息我们需要格外留意:强对比、强转折和强因果。这三类信息往往是GMAT阅读出题的重点。
“普通强对比”是指在文章中出现“A, unlike B”,“C, in contrast D, is ….”等,这些都是明确表示强对比的信号词;而“时间强对比”则是在一篇文章的开始,或者一个理论刚刚提出的时候,如果出现了时间状语,则会成为出题率很高的一处知识点,如:now,new,nowadays,current ideas这些词是和过去成强对比:once, until recently, past则和现在成强对比。如果给了一个不早不晚的明确时间,如in 1950’s,那么和它之前、之后比较都有可能。
Q133. The passage suggests that, unlike thepleiotropic hormones, oligosaccharins could be used effectively to
(A)trace the passage of chemicals through the walls of cells
(B)pinpoint functions of other plant hormones
(C)artificially control specific aspects of the development of crops
(D)alter the complement of genes in the cells of plants
(E)alter the effects of the five major hormones on plant development
题干分析:首先可以看出这里考的是两种物质pleiotropic hormones(多效性荷尔蒙)和oligosaccharins(寡糖)之间的区别,而且可以判断出来文章中曾经提到过多效性荷尔蒙不能有效的用于某种活动,那么就定位在文章第2段的首句:Unlikethe oligosaccharins, the five well-known plant hormones arepleiotropic rather than specific; that is, each has more than one effect on thegrowth and development of plants. The five have so many simultaneous effectsthat they are not very useful in artificially controlling the growth of crops.阅读后可以看出文章对五种荷尔蒙与寡糖进行了对比,前者具有多效性,后者具有特效性;前者因为会同时发挥多重效果,无法有效用于人工控制作物生长;那么可以合理推测出具有特效性的寡糖就可以用于控制人工控制作物生长,所以得出答案是C。